Edmonton’s favorite water fight began in 1960 around a table full of beer where the boys from what was then known as Edmonton Power were swapping ideas for a weekend of fun. A raft race from Devon to Edmonton, a distance of 20 miles, seemed worth a try.

There were two conditions: the rafts were to be built from logs taken at the starting site and each team’s entry fee was one bottle of the finest. The winner’s prizes? Splitting the proceeds!
So, that summer, a total of 12 teams of eager Edmonton Power rafters gathered to start the first Sourdough Raft Race.
From this small beginning developed the Klondike Days annual World Championship Sourdough Raft Race. The event exploded in size through the 1970’s attracting hundreds of entries every year to the river bank at Whitemud Creek and later Terwillegar Park for a chance to win the Molson Brewery Championship Cup.

Taking a garter from a Sourdough Sweetheart
The Sourdough Raft Race Association is making a major effort to infuse new life into the event by expanding our horizons through more diverse events, charity fundraising efforts and renewed interest in sponsorship.
In gaining new corporate sponsorship we hope to be assisted in our mandate of becoming the most recognized inland water festival in the country.